- Detects particulate-matter surface area through diffusion charging
- Lightweight, compact and ruggedized construction
- Battery powered with onboard data storage
- Applications related to personal exposure in various environments (homes, workplace, automobiles, tunnels etc.)
- Companion product to the PAS 2200CE — the DC 2200CE measures ALL particulate matter, the PAS 2200CE measures PAH (primarily on carbonaeous matter)
- Measuring Principle
The Diffusion Charger works on the principle of electrical charging of particles:
— Using a corona discharge all particles are charged
— A sensitive electrometer is used to measure the current
— Since the charge attachment is a surface phenomena, the measured current is related to the particle surface area (“Fuch’s surface area”) - Calibration
The calibration of the compact Diffusion Charger can be done by simultaneous measurements with other particle-measuring instruments (e.g. the SMPS). The calibration is site-specific
Technical Specification
- Display: 16 characters with 2 lines LED
- Power: 115 volts AC / 60 Hz & 220 volts AC / 50 HzMax.
- Battery: 15 volts Lithium Metal Hydride
- Range : 0 to 1000 fAmp (conversion to particle-surface area is site-specific)
- Sensitivity: ~ 10 fAmp (actual calibration is site-specific)
- Lower Threshold: ~ 10 fAmp
- Response time: < 10 seconds (adjustable)
- Digital Output: RS – 232 (for data download and program upload)
- Analog Output: 0 to 10 volts
- Sample gas: Built-in pump with flowrate controlled at 1 L/min
- Operating temp: 40 to 104 ºF (5 to 40ºC)
- Dimensions: Height x Width x Depth = 3in x 7in x 5in ( 68mm x 175mm x 124mm )
- Weight: 3 lb. ( 1.5 kg )
- Data Storage: 8000 data points (each data point consisting of : Time, Value )
- Data Download: User-friendly PC-compatible graphical software used for downloading the collected data. Flat ASCII file output can also be generated for further analysis (e.g. Microsoft Excel format)